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Bus Companies - Hasle

Omnibuse Operations and Coach Transports in town Hasle

The list shows you all registered entries of the branch Bus Companies from Hasle.

10 entries found

Fælledvej 21A
3790 Hasle
phone: 56 96 51 4156 96 51 41
fax: 56 96 51 71
Kirkebyen 25A
3790 Hasle
phone: 56 96 90 5556 96 90 55
fax: 56 96 93 54

Further hits from the region Bornholm

Borrelyngvej 42
3770 Allinge
phone: 56 48 06 6356 48 06 63
fax: 56 48 22 63
Sigynsvej 55
3700 Rønne
phone: 56 95 17 3556 95 17 35

Sorthatvej 17A
3700 Rønne
phone: 56 96 50 0356 96 50 03
fax: 56 96 52 04
Nørregade 35
3770 Allinge
phone: 56 48 02 1756 48 02 17
fax: 56 48 03 36


Snellemark 30
3700 Rønne
phone: 56 95 21 2156 95 21 21
fax: 56 95 35 53
Birgersvej 11
3720 Aakirkeby
phone: 56 97 40 4056 97 40 40
fax: 56 97 58 40

Vestermarievej 46
3700 Rønne
phone: 56 99 90 7556 99 90 75

Bedegårdsparken 8
3730 Nexø
phone: +45 5648 8825+45 5648 8825
fax: +45 5648 8839